Labor & Birth
Labor and Birth Care
For the past nine months, you have lovingly nurtured your baby, and now it's time to welcome your little one into the world! The midwifery team at Alabama Birth Center is ready to support and guide you through labor and delivery, celebrating with you the creation of new life.
Create Your Own Birth Plan
The Alabama Birth Center team partners with you to create your personalized birth plan. You're empowered to make your own decisions and take charge of your labor and birth process. You choose who attends your baby's birth and how involved they will be.
Careful Monitoring While In Labor
During labor, your midwifery team provides close monitoring of both you and your baby, offering continuous encouragement and support. While keeping track of vital signs and your baby's heart rate is essential, ensuring your comfort is also a top priority. Enjoy the freedom to move and choose the most comfortable position for labor and birth (Even in the tub!). Alabama Birth Center is one of the only facilities who allows and encourages water labor and birth.